Investment Advisory | Asset Management
We are an Independent global investment office based in London. We are serving as a private office and helping global, UK and US families, private offices, trustees, professionals, businesses & charities.
We help clients objectively understand the full options available, how best to plan, invest & report across global assets, public & private markets, with experience, better structure, and lower cost.
Our structure allows us total flexibility to provide advice and or implementation fully tailored to each client.
SolerCapital was founded and is owned by John Soler after 25 years as a global equities & balanced fund manager and investment leader within large-mid size corporates - Mercury, Merrill Lynch, BlackRock, Sarasin.
Our business partners Thomson Tyndall provide our regulatory & compliance support.
Collectively we have circa. £700m AUA & AUM, 19 advisors, 16 support staff.